Saturday, June 20, 2015

Insurance portal for Farmers

Insurance portal for Farmers is
An insurance calculator has also been provided. Farmers will be able to browse through databases of insurance companies to get details of various schemes notified in their areas and the premium applicable, said the Agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh. The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) has also kicked off Nowcast for extreme weather warnings through SMS.

"Farmers suffer huge losses due to their non-awareness about insuring their crops and its procedure. There was an urgent need for a portal which could educate and help them," said the minister.

Under the current provisions, farmers can insure their crops under three programmes — the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS), Modified National Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) and Weather-Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS). Besides this, the Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) is applicable in some parts of the country. However, as per the agriculture ministry, only about 20% of gross cropped area was insured in 2014-15. 

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