Saturday, November 15, 2014

swasthya sambandhi samasyaen aur unke hal(Healthcare)new swine flu


There are 2 types of diabetes: type1 and type2.
In type1 diabetes no insulin is produced and thus insulin injections are given.
In type2 diabetes body produces insulin but does not recognize it and sugar levels rise.The pancreas that produces insulin senses the high level of sugar and attempts to correct it
If this situation continues,the cells producing insulin burn out and type2 diabetes becomes type 1 diabetes.

Type1 is treated by insulin injection, diet and regular exercise. Type2is treated by lifestyle changes like healthy diet,weight loss and exercise.

Exercise and diabetes

When we exercise our muscles are active and they demand large amount of glucose. When muscles use up glucose the blood sugar levels reduce. With a well balanced diet and regular exercise, diabetes can be controlled without medication.
Before beginning any exercise consult physician.

20% of pregnant women have gestational diabetes
Diet counselling and sugar control is what doctors advise pregnant women as every 5th expectant mother in Lucknow is at risk of developing gestational diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy. All complications associated with gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM)are preventable if diagnosed early.WHO has predicted that India is sitting on diabetes hot bed.Mothers should go for diet counselling and balanced intake of sugar to keep trouble away.

Ways to keep our Lungs healthy

Antioxidant rich foods are good for lungs.Lung cancer expectancy is 50% reduced if we eat broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage in large quantity. Lung function is improved in people who eat tomatoes 3 times a week.We should eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids because these reduce swelling of lungs.We should take less of salt,caffeine and alcohol.

Weight has a direct relation with lung health.Muscles of respiratory system have to work hard if we carry extra weight.Breathing and exercise become difficult due to it.

In sitting posture we should keep spine straight as lungs are very soft.By doing so,our lungs get adequate space.Those who have seat work should try to bend backwards in their seat after every 2 hours for 5 minutes, raise chest and do deep breathing. The inner layer of lungs called mucosil lining is very thin.We should drink 6-8 glasses of water to keep it healthy.

Laughing is a good exercise for increasing capacity of lungs and for muscles of stomach.

There is a BMD test for pain occurring in any part of body. This tells why the pain is occurring. It may be due to long time pain of bones due to osteoporosis.

Give information of swine flu on these numbers. Control room number 0522-2622080.Toll free number 18001805145

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